Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Role at the BBC

I've been mostly out of reach today as me and my family were sightseeing in Paris the last two days. Opted to travel light and leave the laptop behind. Otherwise would have posted this earlier today once the news broke.

I am glad to announce that as of next week I am starting at the BBC as the new Controller for BBC Audio & Music (A&M) Interactive and BBC Mobile. I will be reporting to BBC Future Media & Technology (FM&T) Director Erik Huggers. Along with my new team we will be responsible for the all BBC’s output on mobile platforms and the multiplatform delivery of Audio & Music content.

I will be spending the next few weeks with my predecessor, Richard Titus. Will be good to have a real transition on taking a new role, something I've not had the opportunity of before. I wish the best to Richard in his new role.

I am looking forward to starting and working with my staff on getting products out the door to consumers again.

A few links to stories today:
Official BBC Press Release


All this said, this will likely be the last posting from me in regards to this role on this blog. I'll use the official BBC blog for anything work related and stick to the purely personal here.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I have hopped out of the building

As of this afternoon I've formally left the employ of UK VOD LLP (eg: Project Kangaroo) as it's CTO. Somewhat bittersweet ending given our the regulatory hurdles that we had, but what can one do?

It would have been nice to have launched the product to the public to see what consumers thought, but in the end it was not to be with this structure.

As to what is next for me, not able to say today but what I do know is that I will be staying in London. Marina and the kids will be moving to London sometime this summer.

I am somewhat offline for the next week as everyone is in town, we will be looking for a place to live, showing the kids their new school and taking a quick trip to Paris for a few days.