Friday, July 18, 2008

Heading off for a week

Heading to Yellowstone for the next week, should be a good trip.

The Jamaica trip a few weeks back was one of those last minute trips due to excess vacation time I had to use by the end of June. This vacation is our 'real' vacation of this year that we actually planned ahead for.

Hoping Delta does not completely mess us up. American on the last flights was less than great. Actually spoke to someone this morning that was in Jamaica the week after we were and had pretty much the same experience. Except he was in the airport far longer than we were

Friday, July 11, 2008

Moved email

Few years ago gave up on running email at home except for forwarding to gmail/yahoo accounts. As of last night finally bit the bullet and retired the old forwarding setup and just setup google apps account for

Pretty cool, worked quickly.

The only thing I really don't understand is one can't have a domain hosted with google apps that points to an existing gmail account? I ended up having to pull all the data out of the 'old' gmail account via pop to the new one. Then put a forward on the gmail account over to my personal account.

All works, except these pitas
- lost tags and chat contacts
- 2x the storage at google given I didn't delete old data out of paranoia
- still have to have the gmail account setup as a forward as have used both over the years
- still have to have the gmail account for non-apps services (analytics, reader, photos, etc).